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印楝油乳化劑 - 一種天然農藥


Very few safe and non-toxic pesticides are available for use. Having a natural one is an additional bonus. Neem Oil fits these criteria and can be safely used on crops, leaves no dangerous residue in the soil and can effectively reduce or kill pests whilst acting as a fungicide. Agrosurf NOE has been developed to act as an emulsifier so the oil can be easily added to the water before use.

可供使用的安全無毒殺蟲劑並不多,但擁有一種天然殺蟲劑是一個額外的好處。印楝油符合這些標準,可以安全地用於農作物,不會在土壤中留下危險殘留物,可以有效減少或殺死害蟲以及作為殺菌劑。 Agrosurf NOE 已被開髮用作乳化劑,因此可以在使用前輕鬆地將油添加到水中。

印楝油是從印楝樹 Azadirachta Indica 的果實和種子中榨取的植物油,含有一種稱為印楝素的天然殺蟲劑、殺蟎劑和殺真菌劑,是一種複合三萜。它不是嚴格意義上的幼年激素模擬物,而是具有更複雜的活性譜。它作為一種有效的拒食劑,也影響昆蟲的變態和發育。除印楝素外,印楝提取物還含有具有拒食、驅蟲、生長調節劑和排卵活性的化合物,並且印楝種子提取物已被註冊為殺蟲劑,用於控制許多影響觀賞植物和園藝作物的昆蟲。不知道印楝油對哺乳動物、鳥類和蚯蚓有害。印楝油在植物內部發揮作用,因為它是一種內吸性殺蟲劑,這意味著除了葉面噴灑外,還可以將溶液倒在土壤或容器堆肥上,植物會吸收它,然後將其吸收到組織中,並且它從內部運作。

印楝油在正常狀態下是一種深色液體,為了將這種形式轉化為可噴塗的液體,Lankem 開發了一種乳化劑系統,可在水性環境中產生良好的自由流動乳液。

A typical formulation and a dosage level of 5% is more than sufficient to offer good performance. The Neem Oil levels can be increased, but the ratio of oil to emulsifier must be maintained at a 5:1 ratio. As this is an oil in water emulsion, the Neem Oil level must always be less than the water level. Going above will swap the emulsion to a water in oil and will drastically change the emulsifier performance.

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