多年來,我們一直在探索使用新型生物基技術設計新型表面活性劑的概念。來自可再生資源的可持續產品已經存在多年,但與合成計數器類型相比 ,大多數產品在性能方面的功能非常有限。我們的職責是開發一系列生物基產品,在廣泛的應用中提供與合成產品相當的性能。
新系列的 BioLoop 表面活性劑旨在為配方設計師提供廣泛的選擇,這些選擇基於從疏水性到更親水性類型的產品選擇。
這些產品可用於許多應用,並與標準合成非離子化合物(例如常用的乙醇乙氧基化物)抗衡。如果您想探索一種全新的化學,那麼 BioLoop 表面活性劑是一個令人興奮的新產品系列。

PG (Pure Grade) v Normal Grade
The normal grade of BioLoop surfactants are aimed at standard industrial-based processes in which clarity in an aqueous medium isn’t a necessity. The PG versions which denotes our purified grades are for industries in which clarity in aqueous mediums is essential.
Typical Applications
Normal Grades
Oils and Lubricants
Emulsion Polymers
Agrochemical additives
Textiles auxiliaries
Hand and floor wipes
PG Versions
Personal Care
Household products
Radiocarbon (C14) dating
Result: 99.36% Bio-based carbon

Mildness Studies
The ET 50 test method
The in vitro test was successfully adapted from the widely used ET50 method using human reconstructed skin models.
Formulations are applied to the skin model surface for defined time points, followed by determination of any damage to the skin cells, using an indicator of intracellular metabolism. Test results are expressed as the ET50 value - the time taken for viability to drop to 50% of the untreated control.
The results indicate that the BioLoops, in this instance BioLoop 84L, gave a result to show extreme mildness.
Degree of mildness

Foaming Profile
Test method
A 0.1% solution is prepared and aerated for 30 seconds and then stopped. The degree of foaming is assessed after 60 seconds: A foaming classification was then defined using comparative foaming date generated across the whole of our product range.

BioLoop 56L type:
Classed as
extreme low foam

BioLoop 68L type:
Classed as
medium foam

BioLoop 84L type:
Classed as
medium foam